Adult Male
Good looking guy. Needs some TLC!

"Mollie" Lab mix Smaller 37 pounds
5 years Female
So happy to be cared for and healthy now! Great on leash! Going to be a nice family friend!

Poor little dog found in the rain.

"Topher" Bi Color German Shepherd mix FANTASTIC DOG!!
1 1/2 years Male
This gorgeous boy has SO MUCH TO OFFER!! Loves all people! Fine with other dogs and puppies! Super trainable!!! ENDLESS POTENTIAL!!!

4 years Female (SPAYED)
Short legs, scrunchy face, and sweeter than sugar!!! What a terrific girl!!

"Marilyn" Shepherd mix
1 year Female
What a beauty! Found in a cage in a hotel room. Loves her toys so much!!!

"Clark" Shepherd/Hound
2 years Male
What a handsome hunk!! Big boy with a perfect personality!

"Elmo" Retriever mix
6 months Male
What a big goofy guy! Great family friend!

"Kong" Bully mix
2 years Male
There is no way to capture the awesomeness of this guy in a picture. A solid hunk!! Big handsome head! As nice as can be!!

"Curtis" Big Handsome mix
4 years Male
He loves everyone, including children!! A lot of work and love have gone into this guy! FULLY FENCED yard required!
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